2009 Ex tempore, Halbenrain, Austria
2008 Stones of Friendship | Steine der Partnership, Bruchsal, Germany (the relief created at the symposium has been placed on Europaplatz in Bruchsal since 2010)
Book illustrations
Debut of drawings with poetry KO-BI-LE, Manja Zemljič, Mariborska literarna družba, Maribor 2005
Illustration of the cover of Marjan Pungartnik's fairy tales Bandit Kandut and other Pohora stories, Mariborska literarna družba, Maribor 2001
Illustration on the covers of the book collection Arlequin, Mariborska literarna družba, Maribor 2001
Illustration on the cover of the poetry collection Mihaele Hojnik Dry mouth, Mariborska literarna družba, Maribor 2000
Illustration in the book Delight and joy awaken, published by the Center for Dehumanization, published by Frontier, Maribor 1992
Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor
Pomurski Academic Club PAC, Murska Sobota
Carinthian Fine Arts Gallery, Slovenj Gradec
Kibla Multimedia Center, Maribor
Murska Sobota Gallery, Murska Sobota
2016 Gold award for participation in the national thematic exhibition Square and Circle
2016 First prize for embroidery Life is life, Mežanovi days 2016, Miheličeva galerija Ptuj
2012 First prize for drawing Woman (acrylic), Mežanovi days 2012, Miheličeva galerija Ptuj
2008 Prize for mentoring in the most original children's artwork, UGM Maribor competition
Tatjana Pregl, Saša Bezjak Bed stories, gallery Krka Novo mesto, 2022
Milena Zlatar, Saša Bezjak, Odstiranja, Gallery of the "Jožef Stefan" Institute, 2022
Irma Brodnjak, Touches, Murska Sobota Gallery, 2016
Milena Zlatar, Sculptor Saša Bezjak and painter Andrej Brumen Čop, Not Venus and not Mars, Savin's art salon Žalec, 2016
Nina Jeza, Artist & Poor's, Saša Bezjak and Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi, Look, don't look Kibela MMC KIBLA Maribor, 2016
Sonja Bezjak, Cmureške Vedute, Wedding hall, Zg. Velka, 2016
Denis Volk, Saša Bezjak Discovering Intimacy, Slovenian House, Zagreb 2014
Denis Volk, Saša Bezjak Odkrivanje intime / The Unveiling of Intimacy, Ljubljana Castle, Casemate 2014
Denis Volk, You and I / Tu ed Io, Double Room, Trst 2014
Marjeta Ciglenečki, Anka Krašna and Saša Bezjak, Exhibition of the Faculty of Philosophy, Maribor 2012
Nevenka Šivavec, Memories, dreams, thoughts, Art salon, Celje 2008
Breda Kolar Sluga, Saša Bezjak, Exhibition of the University Library, Maribor 1998
Bojan Tomažič, Embroideries that destroy stereotypes about women, Večer v Nedeljo, Nov. 20. 2022, pp. 1, 10, 11
Bojan Tomažič, Children's drawings with an adult theme, Večer v Nedeljo, May 9, 2021, p. 36
Petra Vidali, Pulling threads, leaving traces, Embroidery by Saša Bezjak, sales exhibition at UGM Šop, Evening, Culture, Feb. 3 2021, p. 17
Melita Forstnerič Hajnšek, M+A+S also attracts you, Metka Kavčič, Anka Krašna and Saša Bezjak exhibit sculptures, paintings and drawings in Ptuj, the central motif is relationships: feminist, engaged, subtle, Večer, Culture, 11 Dec. 2020, p. 16
Bojan Tomažič, The view should not be a reflection of emptiness, Večer, Culture, June 22, 2016, p. 8 (2nd Repr.)
Maksimiljana Ipavec, Direct, simple, primary, Primorske novice, June 16. 2015, p. 12
Jasna Merku, The peace and rest of Saša Bezjak, Primorski dnevnik, 11 Aug. 2015, p. 8
Bea Baboš Logar, Archives of famous Pomurci people. Saša Bezjak, Vestnik (MS), appendix Pen, jun. 2012, p. 10
Marija Flegar, Essay on Saša Bezjak's art exhibition, Art words | Artwords, 92, 2010, p. 42-44 (4 b. repr.)
Nevenka Miklič, Carnality in art — the result of living in the flesh, Art words | Artwords, 92, 2010, p. 45-51 (1 repr.)
Klares Profil fur Europaplatz. Unverwechselbar Dank sechs neuer Plastiken, Stadmagazin Willi, 29 Apr. 2010, p. 17 (1 b. repr.)
D. M., A view of her world, Vestnik (MS), 5 Nov. 2009, p. 13
Leopold Methans, Friendship stones, Newsletter of the Municipality of Šentilj, December 2008, p. 19 (1 b. repr.)
Semira Osmanagič, Before the action. Saša Bezjak, artist, Nedelo (LJ), March 30. 2008, p. 21
kr [Cultural redaction], A visual diary. The opening of the exhibition of works by Saša Bezjak in the Maribor Art Gallery and the Rotovž Exhibition Hall, Večer (MB), 14 Oct. 2008, p. 14 (1 b. repro.)
Tadej Regent, Memories, dreams, thoughts, Nedelo (LJ), March 30. 2008, p. 21
T. K., A Radgon man in a Byzantine Cadillac, Vestnik (MS), 21 Dec. 2006, p. 21 (2 b. repr.)
Darinko Kores, Drawings by Saša Bezjak, Večer (MB), April 5 2006, p. 17
Marko Elsner Grošelj, Večno porajanje. Saša Bezjak/Manja Zemljič, Ko-bi-le, Mariborska literarna družba, Maribor, 2005, Mentor, l. 28, no. 3, 2007, p. 70-71 (1 repr.)
Nataša Januš, "I don't even know intellectually what I want", Večer (MB), 16 Mar. 2002, p. 13
Author's texts
Saša Bezjak, “Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going? after Paul Gauguin", 2009 (gallery sheet) Lobby of the psychiatric department of the University Hospital Maribor, 2010 (gallery sheet)
Saša Bezjak, My world my view, DOSOR lobby, Radenci, 2009 (gallery sheet)
Saša Bezjak, Words at the opening of the exhibition in the Cultural Center of Gornja Radgona, 2009 (gallery sheet)
Saša Bezjak, How can coincidence happen, Artistic words Artwords, 83/84, 2008, p. 80-82
Saša Bezjak, Glimpses, Maribor Art Gallery, 2008 (exhibition catalog)
Saša Bezjak, From the diary entries, Multimedia center Kibla, Maribor, 2006 (exhibition catalog)
Saša Bezjak, Retrospective sales campaign, Maribor, 2002 (gallery sheet)
Saša Bezjak, Pictures Faces Dreams Punk Antimaterialism Choice Time, Blah blah blah, no. 10, July 2001, p. 17
Saša Bezjak, Pictures Faces Dreams Punk Antimaterialism Choice Time, Blah blah blah, no. 10, July 2001, p. 17
Ph.D. Rajko Muršič, prof. Ph.D. Darja Zaviršek, Ph.D. Sonja Bezjak, On Community, and Deinstitutionalisation Beyond Gardens and Enclosures, Proceedings of the Museum of Madness, Museum of Madness, Trate, 2022
Nina Jeza and Artists&Poor’s, Monsters are people, Nova Gorica City Gallery, 2022
Špela Pavli Perko, Festival of new media culture Speculum artium, Trbovlje Workers' Home, 2022
Irena Čerčnik, Maja Hodošček, Račka Festival 2022 Based on real events. Spaces and articulations of sexuality 1990-2022, Celeia Institute Celje, Center of Contemporary Arts, 2022
Doroteja Kotnik, Art has no sex, Ptuj City Gallery, 2022
Rici Marshall Cross, Linda Murgatroyd, Matt Rosen, Loving earth some starting points for earthcare An alphabet book, Quaker Arts Network, 2022
Maja Erdeljanin, Made in Maribor II u Novom Sadu, Cultural Center of Novi Sad, Small Art Salon, 2022
Renata Štebih, Naveza Sanja Ajdišek, Saša Bezjak, Kulturni dom Krško, Galerija Krško unit, 2022
Milena Zlatar, Live drawing, Exhibition of drawings and Books of drawings in the DLUM Gallery, Society of fine artists Maribor, 2022
Stanka Gačnik, Metka Kavčič + Anka Krašna + Saša Bezjak M+A+S brings you down too!, Ptuj Ormož Provincial Museum, Miheličeva Gallery, 2021
Amalija Stojsavljević, Uterus effects, experimental feminist endeavor aimed at identifying and analyzing the social, political, and cultural interpretation of the reproductive system organs functions (maternity), and dysfunctions (diseases), Kunstentropie – Association for contemporary and non-academic art and cultural events Stumperrgasse, 2020
Sanda Stanaćev Bajzek, Art colony 2019. /year 20 Makek Paradiso, "Paradiso" Rab, Makek-Paradiso Gallery, 2019
Milena Zlatar, Touch. Drawings, Carinthian Fine Arts Gallery, Slovenj Gradec, 2016
Denis Volk, Andrej Brumen Čop,Tomaž Zupančič, Artistic Actions by Saša Bezjak, Ti in jaz / You and Me, MMC Kibla Maribor, 2016
Ahmet Ozel, Encounters 5, Atatuk Culturel Centre, Lefkosa, 2012
Sonja Bezjak, Saša Bezjak, Intimate insight - sculpture exhibition, Škofja Loka, 2012
Sonja Kerin Krek and Milena Zlatar, Movement in sculpture. Slovenian sculpture exhibition, Institute of Sculpture, Ljubljana, 2011
Marko Košan and Peter Vernik, May salon 2010. The road traveled, published by ZDSLU, Ljubljana, 2010
Andreja Borin and Tomaž Brejc, Summer, suggestions for permanent collection, Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, 2009
Meta Kordiš, Saša Bezjak, Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, 2008
Andrej Brumen Čop, Saša Bezjak. Drawings, Multimedia center Kibla, Maribor, 2006